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Authors: Please use the guidelines below before submitting your work...

  • Lighthouse Christian Publishing is always ready to consider high quality manuscripts for publishing, but we need a book that grabs and holds us right from the first page. Maybe you should start fiction at your chapter three! Although there may once have been publishing houses that took a rough jewel and polished it into a masterpiece, these days editors just don’t have that time. We expect the author to submit a manuscript that is as close to perfectly polished as possible, including spelling, grammar and continuity. Make sure you run the spell checker before sending us your work. 
  • All manuscripts must be submitted as an MSWord or RTF document on Letter or A4 size paper, ideally as an email attachment, with no fancy fonts, formatting or layout. All paragraph indents can be either tab or formatting indent of a consistent size, but not a mixture – and if done with the space bar, the number of spaces must be consistent. Do not leave an extra space between paragraphs, as books are rarely printed like this. Lines can be single or double spaced, but must be spaced consistently. Single spacing only between all words and sentences – no double spaces. When you need to start a new chapter, press Ctrl and Enter, don’t keep pressing Enter until a new page starts! Typed or handwritten manuscripts cannot be considered except in special circumstances. 
  • A synopsis of 200 to 300 words of the whole manuscript is required, along with a brief outline of each chapter. This applies to both fiction and non-fiction. Also a Writing Resume if possible, although first-time writers are certainly welcome. We would also like to know where you see your main readership coming from, and whether you have special skills that would assist sales. In other words, as much about yourself as you think relevant. 

  • As an author, you need to keep polishing and proofreading before submitting to us or any other publisher or agent. Sometimes a writing buddy or a professional freelance editor can be helpful in catching things the author missed. Once a manuscript is accepted, one of our editors will work with you to smooth out any rough spots, but no editor these days can possibly take a writer’s first draft and turn it into a masterpiece. 
  • If your manuscript meets these submission requirements, you can expect one of the following responses: 
    • Sorry, it’s not for us. This doesn’t mean your book is no good, but it’s well . . . not for us. Please note that we do not offer a critique service, and along with other publishers we do not comment on reasons for rejection.
    • We like your submission, but it needs more work. If you attend to the following, we will look at it again. This, of course, doesn’t imply automatic acceptance, but it means that we think your book has possibilities for our list. And you have to do the work, not us! Of course, we will only look at your manuscript again on the understanding that we are not under any obligation to accept it. Even if your book has been rewritten to a very high standard, we may have accepted a similar book in the meantime, or no longer be publishing books on that topic.
    • We would like to discuss a contract.  But don’t think that’s all. No submission is ever ready to go straight to the printers. Lighthouse Christian Publishing is a royalty-paying publisher, and we expect you to put in a fair bit of work with one of our editors before publication. 